Wednesday, May 12, 2004

My New Home

I have shifted to my new site. for months now i have been harbouring intentions of moving but have never gotten down to it. either i was too lazy, html and javascript too complicated a language for me to understand, or i just couldn't find the right design i wanted. But anyway, here it is! Don't you love it?

I know... it looks very different from my old site. I'm already beginning to miss that one, but somehow i like this one much better. I believe in change of environments! Anyway, if you're reading this on my old site, my address has now officially moved to . i tried getting heavenknows, for consistency, but it wasn't available, apparently someone else has it. but when i type the address in to check it out, that blog doesn't even exist. so oh well... anyway for those who's wondering whats up with heavenknows, it's nothing it's just my msn name.

Have overlapped some of my previous posts on this new site... but otherwise all the old posts are still around on the old site ready for access anytime (so long as they don't close down that server). I'm well excited and so proud of myself for constructing a site from scratch all by myself despite my limited html knowledge! but to be honest, i didn't have to do much. things just fell into place...

I'd better stop here before I ramble more. have just got back from a night out at Deli at Sugar (Leamington) so pardon if there are seemingly inexplicable phrases in this post. it is the result of intoxication. Oh, and if you want to say something, click on 'say something'. say anything. any suggestions/feedback will be good.

On another note, i have yet again missed another episode of ally tonight because i went ice-skating at the skydome. sigh......


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