Thursday, October 28, 2004

John Peel

Teenage dreams,
hard to Beat
What more do you need?

Teenage dreams,
hard to Kick
What more do you really need?

Monday, October 18, 2004

Post Paris Poverty

It is the shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The mystery of the world is in the visible, not the invisible. - Oscar Wilde

Paris was amazing.
But I don't have time to write much.
Will do soon.

On a separate note, finally hit page 1 on BT.. yay.

Sunday, October 10, 2004


It is the end of week 2, the start of week 3.
And my internet is still not up at home.
Rang tescos broadband up and raved and ranted... but there's only so much I can do - they said the exchange was full and we'll have to wait another week.
the bastards.
On another note, things have been settling in quite well, and by settling in, it means I'm getting used to being crazily busy again. Every night I'm back, exhausted, with a mountain of work to do, and no time/energy to do much.
I do barely enough to get past... no idea where all my time goes to. Probably dancing.
Speaking of which, we came in second today at the dance festival in Rugby... (woohoo!) The judge said we would have come in first if not for our costumes.... well, fuck that. there's no way we were gonna wear spandex and glitter (the dance group that got first were wearing this horrendous body hugging black-purple spandex outfit... they looked absolute comedy)
Filmed our outing into Rugby...and also the dances we did. It's amazing owning a videocam and being able to capture all that. It's like solidifying memories.
Wish I had a computer of bigger capacity to upload all my shots.. then I could do proper editing. Right now, everything is filmed in a documentary/home-video style.. Am gonna resume writing my screenplay. But I reckon I should abandon that one and do a really short one for like a 5 minute film - ideas anyone?

Friday, October 01, 2004


It's been a crazy week.. sorry to those who have been coming here only to see the same heading over and over again.
let's just say blogging at the damn university computer lab is not exactly the most conducive of places... (although they have changed all the lousy old ancient computers to classy, flatscreen, pro-looking workstations now!)
i'm still waiting for the internet guy to come to our house to sort the internet out and then my life can be back to normal. it's such a pain not having the internet at home at your disposal...
but till then, i assure you there will be regular updates again!