Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Moving on

I have moved.

This month marks the two-year anniversary of this blog, which was my second one, began in May 2004. It has undergone lots of facelifts and changes, recorded many hilarious incidents, not-so-hilarious incidents, and much ranting and raving.

But the time has finally come to move on.

I was getting bored of this design anyway (which looked different in various browsers), and I definitely prefer the new one. I want to say my Dreamweaver tutorials have paid off and I've designed a completely new one with a proper domain but I shall not lie. That will probably be the ultimate goal, and we know happiness is the journey not the destination.

Nevertheless, it has been personally designed, although not with Dreamweaver, and I'm definitely getting there!

If you're a good friend, you will already know the new address to which I have settled my third and definitely-not-final site.

If you don't, you're either

1. not a good friend
2. a good friend but haven't been in touch recently
3. a voyeur who enjoys reading random blogs, or
4. all of the above.

I have decided not to link this blog to my new site, so do get in touch for the new one and do update all links and bookmarks!

Thank you for being such loyal readers, see you soon!


Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

See you at your new home! =)

And PLEASE shut off the word verification thing, I hate it so very very very very much, grrrr!

3:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

sorry, but I can't!

I don't want any comment spam. THAT is far more annoying...

3:16 pm  
Blogger tania saw the light...

hey hey hey - i want the new address!

3:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

may i have your new home?

3:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

if you leave me your name/email.. sure! :)

7:35 pm  

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