Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Moving on

I have moved.

This month marks the two-year anniversary of this blog, which was my second one, began in May 2004. It has undergone lots of facelifts and changes, recorded many hilarious incidents, not-so-hilarious incidents, and much ranting and raving.

But the time has finally come to move on.

I was getting bored of this design anyway (which looked different in various browsers), and I definitely prefer the new one. I want to say my Dreamweaver tutorials have paid off and I've designed a completely new one with a proper domain but I shall not lie. That will probably be the ultimate goal, and we know happiness is the journey not the destination.

Nevertheless, it has been personally designed, although not with Dreamweaver, and I'm definitely getting there!

If you're a good friend, you will already know the new address to which I have settled my third and definitely-not-final site.

If you don't, you're either

1. not a good friend
2. a good friend but haven't been in touch recently
3. a voyeur who enjoys reading random blogs, or
4. all of the above.

I have decided not to link this blog to my new site, so do get in touch for the new one and do update all links and bookmarks!

Thank you for being such loyal readers, see you soon!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Something funny

So a week has come and gone, and my to-do list is still as long as ever, with the rare couple of items crossed off, and double the number taking its place.

Yet the sun was shining so bright and lovely today, all thoughts of work flew out of my restless mind the minute I was released from the boiling hot journo room into the sunny field, away from my currently quite highly strung coursemates.

L and I went to Borders to take advantage of the student discounts but we ended up talking, me having a raspberry frappaucino and subway sandwich while she filled me in on details about *** (the information has been deleted due to censorship from a good friend who's requested I don't slag someone who very much deserves to be slagged).

Anyway, our trip was futile - the books were too expensive, and the FHM magazine I wanted to buy (for research!) was all tatty and I refused to pay for a sub-standard copy of the already-sub-standard magazine (I speak for the respect of women).

We went to get tickets for the film Tony Takitani - based on a short story by Haruki Murakami (whose books I've been reading too much lately, causing me long spells of being spaced out) and V came to join us as we wandered from Soho to Leicester Sq.

We were walking down a road in Chinatown when out of nowhere, this guy on my right who we passed by, caught my eye and he raised his eyes in astonishment, so high it could have jumped out of his head, and darted looks quickly at both me and L before shouting the biggest Haaaarrr- lowwww! I've ever heard in my life.

I mean, I've often heard catcalls and received looks just for looking a little different in England - some nice, some not-so-nice, most of them lecherous, mainly - but this guy was different, a bit like a jack-in-the-box springing from some corner street. I actually couldn't stop myself by laughing out a 'hi', just because I felt it'd be rude not to respond to such vigour. Plus he looked hilarious. Sort of like a walking cartoon. Or maybe he was just happily drunk.

The next thing I knew, he burst into song.

And started singing the first line of Mamma mia!...

I mean, who on earth bursts into song???

Apparently, according to V, the guy carried on till he hit the line 'my my, how can i resist ya?'....which was his last line before he disappeared...

I rounded the corner as he faded into the busy crowd behind... and cracked up laughing so much I couldn't stop for ages. The whole musical-thing was quite original... L and V were also very amused.

I didn't know if it was just plain creepy and disgusting, or hilariously absurd, and I decided if something made me laugh that long on a hot sunny day in London, it can only be a good thing - however ludicrous.


Tony Takitani was a great film - in the middle of the film, I had a sudden urge to rush out and go shopping. (You'll need to see/read it to understand why) The soundtrack was brilliant - simple, just a piano arrangement, loads of dissonance, arpeggios and nostalgic melodies. The actress in it was very pretty and I ended up being very jealous of her shoes.