Thursday, May 13, 2004

The Little Things in Life

I was driving to school this early afternoon and here's what i heard on radio - 105.4 FM Leicester Sound. A song had just played on radio and the dj was delivering traffic reports...

'Previously we heard that there were some cows which were causing traffic problems on the M25 Motorway. I'm now happy to announce that the cows have been cleared and traffic has cleared. If I may say, the traffic has moooooo-ved.

And then he gave a 'har har, harumph' kind of chuckle and said 'haha, okay that wasn't quite as funny, is it?' and trailed off... before playing the next tune.

It was hilarious! I was laughing so hard in my car that i swear the old man in the car next to me (we had stopped for a red traffic light) was looking at me weirdly like i've gone off the rocker. but to be fair it was quite funny and it just made my day. i repeated the story to tash during our exec meeting today and she couldn't stop laughing for a dear 5 minutes...

such are the little things in life that never fails to make us happy. it's amazing how these seemingly inconsequential little happenings brighten up our days in the smallest ways. and then Ksusha said today to me that i always wear such nice clothes! i know it's a frivolous thing to be happy about but i was, nevertheless! got my Hollywood Cinema essay back which was okay, could have been better but i'm not unhappy with it. it just frustrates me that my average is hovering very close to a first and i can't seem to be able to lift myself to get a concrete first average. But then eve remarked today that students nowadays seem to be 'pigeon-holed by their grades' and i think that is so true - we are all guilty of it in some way or another. since grades are the only tradition that has been preserved so far in determining intelligence from one person to another, it is inevitable that we are in some way, whether we want to or not, affected by it. but then again, it should never be allowed to reach a stage when it matters more than life. for example, a junior girl in my secondary school, jumped off a building because of a bad grade. i would never be able to understand that. tears are the maximum i allow myself for academic disappointment.

But okay, i shall not wallow in such thoughts. it has generally been a good and happy day, even if it's only in those little ways. my room is in SUCH a mess, with my half filed notes, pre-deli outfits strewn all over the place, in the midst of all the normal shit i have on the floor anyway. need to do major re-organisation soon. speaking of which exams are looming ahead and despite serious catching up on a year's work that i have half-heartedly neglected, i'm wasting far too much time online messing about...


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