Saturday, July 03, 2004

To the blue skies and beyond

It has been awhile.
Apologies for not updating sooner - but life has continued its flurry of events and I have been living a rather nomadic existence recently - enhanced by the fact that I had just been to a hippie festival where it (as eve mentioned) made us feel we were like 'sheep' from all over the world slowly flocking and gathering to this one place, this farm, for a celebration of music. More details on that to follow, when I'm perhaps a little more settled in a particular place.

Am gonna fly home today and as usual, that flight is tinged with contemplation, self-reflexiveness and mixture of anticipation and regret, happiness and sadness. Everytime I take a flight it seems a chapter in my life has closed. No amount, or more accurately, nothing can re-open that chapter the way it has unfolded in my life. Yet the cliche life moves on proves its own truth and another chapter is awaiting to be opened.

I look forward to seeing my family and friends again, and of course, the most delightful food in the world. But sadly, also find myself wary of the coming summer spent in a place which often induces my disillusionment. If I had already felt rather displaced where I was born before I came here, it is even more pronounced the longer I live here. My happiness is only an extent when I return - I often find myself in discord with that environment. I probably have mentioned this several times - but I'm so much more in my element here.

I guess it's a feeling derived from a basic impulse of mine own to resist almagating into an indistinguishable mass. I hate it when everyone looks the same, or behaves in the same way. What makes it worse is when the community imposes that imagined identity on you and render you a duplicate of its system, even when you are blatantly not.

Contemplation aside, I probably have to get ready for my flight, which is 5-ish pm today. Will have to stop-over at Amsterdam, not that I'm complaining. The next 24 hours will be a much reflective period - I do quite appreciate the solitude and time alone while travelling. It will probably be a brief respite considering I'm going to Hong Kong within this week as well, and then start work immediately on the day after I'm back. So it seems the relentless flurry of events will not cease - not that I don't like it that way. I sometimes do have very vivid sporadic visions of me chilling in a big living room in a white minimalist decor, sitting on a deep orange plush chair with orange cushions; where in front of me is an incredible sound system and home cinema at my disposal, listening to my Glasto favourites, watching my recently purchased special edition of Once upon a Time in the West and sipping a hot cup of earl grey tea from a lovely mug. One day, perhaps, I shall build upon my vision. For the meantime, my house's living room will have to suffice. When I finally get there, of course.


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