Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Where do I begin

If there is a single consistent feeling I've been overwhelmed with lately... it's that feeling you get when you've got so much to do.. that you don't really know where to begin.

It's times like these I wish the day had 28 hours instead of 24, then i'd have the extra four hours to sort out my life.. maybe even find some extra work to get extra money.

But of course that is impossible with the amount of shit that's on my impossible-to-avoid agenda.

Am flying home next month on the 7th... can you believe it's already week 7 of term? I remember flying back to England and thinking to myself it's going to be ages before I fly the other direction again... and yet, that prospect now seems so near. And it's even scarier - because by that time, I would have achieved the impossible.
The impossible being:

1. A 5,000 word film aesthetic essay
2. Another 5,000 word national cinema essay
3. MA applications whose deadline is in freaking december, which involves writing a million essays, paying a million dollars just for application fee alone, and forcing oneself to do the tiresome job of finding letters of recommendations (what's the problem with all these American schools)
4. Two dance competitions (one to Leicester, one to Sheffield, the latter which I forsee myself having to drop out of to retain my sanity.)
5. Renewing car insurance/MOT/certificates. I hate doing administrative stuff with a violent passion. Fuck red tape and bureaucracy and the system.
6. Read 4 more novels for the two literature modules I'm doing.

on top of the 16 (sometimes 19) hour timetable I have... and the at least three times weekly dance rehearsals.
Can you blame me for going mental?

I think I need sleep.


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