Sunday, May 29, 2005

What I love most about exams

What I love most about exams....
is the aftermath!

It seems surreal that three years have past since my degree started.
And at last... I'm tasting the sweetness of freedom!

What I'm dreading, however.. is doing all the admin/errands I've been putting off for the sake of my exams.

Still waiting for a decision, which is starting to annoy me. Need to

1. Clean up my room and purge it of the moutainous amount of notes littering my bedroom (I haven't lived in it since the end of my exams)

2. Back up all my files and possible re-format my computer.... (or, better still) think about buying a new iMac to replace my retarded pc

3. Ring up companies, banks etc (urgh)

4. Sell my stuff on ebay (my keyboard, I can't bring with me)

5. Take my Ibanez out and play more of it.

6. Buy my plane tickets to Zurich and possibly, Sg.

7. Change my blog template (any ideas?)... been putting it off for too long.

8. Dance and party more

9. Play more sudoku (maybe enter the Championships)

10. Do **** all!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

I heart sudoku

I love sudoku!

Have just completed yesterday's puzzle No. 4 in The Independent and have spent the last five minutes being very smug with myself for completing it in no time.

didn't get a chance to buy today's.. I'm beginning to feel like I'm turning into an addict.
Can't seem to get back into revision mode and sudoku certainly isn't helping!


Anything to put off work....
back to Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own and the 'great foremother' of the feminist cult...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

One down

One down.. two more to go.
I can't believe I've done it.
I had so much to write... so many epiphanies spilling out of my head... and no time to put it all down.

examinations are so fucking cruel.
I feel wronged.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Today was Pentacost Sunday.

The day didn't start off that well... but I made it in to play for mass.

It was wonderful - the musicians were great, the music was loud, everyone sang so spiritedly. it was definitely one of the best masses we've had..

I wish I could articulate the intangible emotion - what I can only vaguely term 'feeling' - that I experience at such moments in life. I call it faith.
I know some don't believe in it, but I'm glad it happened for me.

I have so much to write, but no time to spare. [First exam is two days from now.]

But if there's one thing I remember from today, it's what Father Prem said.

The Holy Spirit sets us free.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Last night

Last night I had a dream.

My dream was like a film.

I was climbing a staircase in a green, army-ish outfit. I was climbing and climbing, and the stairs never ended.

In my mind, my escalation of the stairs was conveyed by a series of cuts of medium shots of my lower body. My feet plodded along the stairs in a series of jump cuts not unlike the sequence in Wong Kar Wai's In The Mood For Love where prior to the visit Maggie Cheung makes to Tony Leung in the room 2046, her hesitation and turmoil is portrayed by the series of jump cuts where she climbs up a circling stairway, juxtaposing the different directions she takes.

My dream cuts away to a similar shots of another person dressed in blue mounting the same stairs. I get a sense that the person is behind me. I try to climb faster but my pace is determined by something outside the will of my consciousness.

I also remember holding the hand of another girl - my travel companion in our adventure to dress in green, army outfits and enter a castle to subvert a grand ploy I cannot recall anymore. We are walking on the roof of a building and she looks at me, grabs my left hand and says with both her lips and her eyes: Trust Me . With that, we step off the edge of the 20-storey high building. I descend into a pitch of darkness. I feel the exhilaration of free fall. I try and anticipate in my mind what it must feel like to land hard on concrete floor. Will I experience an explosion of pain? Will I enter into nothingness? Will my soul depart my body and ascend to heaven?

To my surprise, I land firmly on the ground with two feet, knees slightly bent as if I've jumped off only one step. The free-falling sensation stops. I open my eyes. She stands next to me smiling.

We press on. She climbs through a window to enter a window. I try and climb in after her. But we are discovered. By a family of indian immigrants who smile on us kindly and give us advice and deceptive costumes to infiltrate the castle where we are forbidden.

I recall pressing myself firmly against the wall in what seems like a large gallery inside the castle. A painting looms above my head. The walls painted in a soft light blue sheen... like a bleak, ghostly version of the urban sky.

I find myself in a room of mirrors. I'm not sure if the girl is there with me. I am compelled to strip in front of the mirrors. I stare at myself in full awareness of what is happening but in total lack of control in the agency of my actions. I feel a presence in the room. He sits on a chair with his back facing me. I am not sure if he is truly there. I think I know who he is. My guess frightens me. He isn't who I thought he would be. I do not love him. I never had and never understood why I previously felt obliged to say 'me too' when I didn't mean it. Or, did I?

He thinks I do not know he is there. After awhile, he knows I know.

I conclude he is a phantom. I am extremely uncomfortable with a thought.
I am roused from my sleep. Emerging from an unconscious state, stragely disturbed.
I am unsure I remember everything I want to remember.
I try and mumble audibly, the contents of my dream.

Before I fully leave its realm, I seem to shift from one plane of reality into another. I watch myself in the dream, I become the other girl who holds my hand.

I then realize, I am her.
I am holding my own hand.
Looking at myself.

Friday, May 06, 2005

I wish

I am beginning to see a pattern...
it seems like only when things start to go wrong that I find time to blog.

I wish I could find more time to write. even at times when I'm the busiest and happiest...
for if not, wouldn't all written memories be sad?

Carol Shields said that a writer who writes happy endings will never be taken seriously...

to me, that makes so much sense at this moment.

I wish.. and I need, to change a few things:

1. To stop imposing self-censorship when writing - I always get torn between which blogs to write in whenever I actually do find that time to write anything. Sometimes I have too much to say I don't even start. Sometimes I intend on saying something which I don't in the end.

2. To need to find more time to write.. especially when I'm happier. (notice the extended periods of the absence of posts in between.. that is usually such a time)

3. To start my revision - I have wasted far too much time. and I have got less than two weeks till my first exam. And shit loads to catch up on. I don't know what the fuck I am waiting for.

4. To stay focused - someone said to me today that he hopes i'll get a 2.1 instead of a 1st because I don't deserve it. I was, needless to say, extremely outraged. the rationale behind such a claim was that I play too much and don't do enough work. But aren't those who play as much as they want, take less time for work, but still does well enough to get where they want... the ones that are better off and having the last laugh in the end?
I'm going to get my first and make him eat his words.

5. To let go of my essay - I had a major essay crisis for the very last piece of assessed writing I had to given in on tuesday. 5,000 words and I overshot. When at 4am, I only had less than a thousand words to go on. I remember at 0345 hours, I was staring at my screen, close to tears at the butchered state of my essay which no longer made any sense to me, didn't have any organisation and was very far from the standard it was supposed to be. my eyes were doing that whole blurring thing again..where everything fused in a kind of white blindness everytime I blinked for a second. at 0555 hours, I suddenly hit a jackpot rush.. I forced everything to make sense..typed so much I actually exceeded the word count I thought I would struggle to hit. It was academic fervour...I don't know if it's absolute genius or pretentious shit. I read my essay afterwards and spotted so many typing errors in the essay which I sadly didn't have any time to proof read because I literally made it just 5 minutes past the deadline. I don't have the luxury of slack departments or extended extensions. But it still bugs me that in my conclusion I put an 'a' in the middle of a sentence where there shouldn't be one.

6. To watch more Edward Norton films - I watched Fight Club tonight and it was absolute filmic brilliance. I forgot how good that film could be. had to stop myself from uttering sounds of desire everytime Norton came on. He was so..... I shall stop there. (you can insert as many adjectives as you want in that blank, as long as it's along the lines of anything good) Oh, did I mention Brad was in the film too?

7. To send my reply to my MA course - been sitting on it far too long.

I have been in the lethargic mode since Tuesday... it feels for me like I've reached the end of my academic run when I've handed the essay in. I have to keep reminding myself it's not over yet.

Ascension mass today. I was far too distracted. I played not even feeling I was playing. My fingers moved but I wasn't thinking. I ended on a G chord instead of a E minor. I haven't done that in a very long time.

Life is too simple sometimes. I wonder if anyone knows what's going on beneath the exterior of living.

Agency. My Life. Needs.
Don't think it's all about you...It's the paradox of the soul.

It's only when you lose everything... that you're able to be free.