Sunday, May 29, 2005

What I love most about exams

What I love most about exams....
is the aftermath!

It seems surreal that three years have past since my degree started.
And at last... I'm tasting the sweetness of freedom!

What I'm dreading, however.. is doing all the admin/errands I've been putting off for the sake of my exams.

Still waiting for a decision, which is starting to annoy me. Need to

1. Clean up my room and purge it of the moutainous amount of notes littering my bedroom (I haven't lived in it since the end of my exams)

2. Back up all my files and possible re-format my computer.... (or, better still) think about buying a new iMac to replace my retarded pc

3. Ring up companies, banks etc (urgh)

4. Sell my stuff on ebay (my keyboard, I can't bring with me)

5. Take my Ibanez out and play more of it.

6. Buy my plane tickets to Zurich and possibly, Sg.

7. Change my blog template (any ideas?)... been putting it off for too long.

8. Dance and party more

9. Play more sudoku (maybe enter the Championships)

10. Do **** all!


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