Monday, July 25, 2005


My hands are cramping.

Been re-adjusting details of this new template... turns out my font was all fuzzy and thanks to duckshoe, I got all my text re-aligned at the center where I want it, my graphics re-done etc. It's always useful to have a computing genius around, huh?

Anyway, I'm going to experiment more with the look and graphics. I've learnt that photoshop isn't that hard but there's only so much you can do without looking at the manual so although I resolutely don't want to, I might actually venture into exploring further...

Speaking of which, I've learnt a little neat trick of posting pictures with borders using photoshop - it was really easy - just that I don't know if I'm going to sustain the effort of putting up borders everytime I post a pic. This pretty one was taken in Blackforest at Lake Titisee, Germany. I love it. I have so many photographs I took on my Switzerland/Germany trip - but the drawback about using a digital camera is there is often so many pictures, you can't be bothered to actually print them out. My mum is still being smug over the fact that she could instantly develop proper prints of our holiday and my graduation, in retaliation to our poking much fun at her 'ancient', 'film' 'analog' camera which was such a chore to use. In the end though, the pictures turned out really nicely and she's having the last laugh while mine is still stuck on this retarded pc.

But not for long. Because... I'm finally going to get my very first iMac!!!! [I am now told it's an ibook or a powerbook I should get instead] How exciting for me! Been wanting to convert for ages but never had the will to save that much to get one. But now it's a present for birthday cum graduation thingy... I can hardly wait for the weekend - I can finally troop down to the Apple Center to make out my selection.

Work today has been good. I've been given another notebook purely for work/assignments which is great because I have been given the option of working from home(!). My boss thinks it's conducive filing from home sometimes. I had to wait around a lot today, but have been filled in about what is going to happen roughly over the next two months which sounds exciting. I can't wait to start legging my own proper feature although it spans a scary 6-7 pages (we're talking hundreds of cms).

I have loads on my mind which I need to do.
What I love about working is it kind of gets you into this organized mode. I'm forced to keep thinking and making lists about what to do.

Most importantly, it's gotten me back into blogging-mode.


Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...


hurry up and continue blogging, the rest of the world are breathless with anticipation for your long-awaited posts! :)

11:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

haha... babe! don't exxagerate - it hasn't been THAT long. but yes! i will definitely update more now. how was graduation btw? hope it was fun!! xx

4:14 am  

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