Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I've had a busy day at work.. am exhausted.

But after debating many thoughts and issues in my mind of late... I have come to a conclusion which I want to write down.

If I can live in a place where I can see the sunshine, run outdoors sometimes, have good food, a seaside that is not further than one hour away and a decent room with orange lighting, a bed, a sofa, a stereo to play my music with, a computer to blog thoughts with, favourite films to watch, tasteful books to read, a cup to tea in my hands and my bear to cuddle with....

...then I shall be content and happy. At least, I should be.

All other things have infuriate me about my surroundings is secondary to the fact that I am blessed with these things and should be thankful for it.

In the long run, the configurations of these things might change. The location, especially. But in essence, if humanity cannot be content with what they have, they will never achieve happiness.


Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

oh sweetie, you do know that we'll never ever be content in the long run right? to be content is akin to stagnation... in my book of life anyway. but you know, the picture you painted sounds really good and i'd love to live in your future too. anyway, im off to prague, did you get the calling card number which i texted you? ring soon!

8:19 am  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

that how it goes

10:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

oh babe, the difference is finding the balance between being content and being motivated! you can be too dissatisfied and always unhappy... anyway, i got the number thanks. come back safely!

12:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

BOOM! i'm back!!

hey jess how are you? miss you a lot. your new-look blog took me by surprise, i was trying to find the comments to post some stupidity. in fact, this is turning into an email

anyway, more importantly, i had something funny to tell you...i was watching mr hong kong today on tv, was so funny. chinese guys are pretty lame! the winner was some skinny loser. maybe i will enter next year..


they also got them to all parade around in small swimming trunks and walk under this mini waterfall...YUCK!

at least none of them wanted world peace!

take care babe

11:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

VIC! glad you're back.. was wondering where u were as I haven't seen you online recently and whitfield said you were in cambridge.

mr hong kong sounds like a mistake anyway.. i'm so glad we dont have a mr singapore or something. it would be disastrous... although very funny.
don't really want to think about the parading in trunks... *ewww*

oh, and I'm resenting the fact you sent a mass mail out to the group and wished john happy birthday and conveniently forgotten me, when we both have the same birthday!

but I will forgive you on the count that i miss you guys loads.. especially since i've started working now and the post-exam-dossing-around days are properly over.

i should have sent this as an email instead...hope to catch you soon!

8:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

JEN! great to hear from you! I texted you the other day on your sg mobile but u didn't reply.. have you changed your number?

haha... my prostitutes story. i worked really hard on it coz i had to finish a story someone else started! it's quite scandalous... will tell you more when i see you!

Am going to Goldsmiths, London this sept... and honestly! I totally forgot your blog's title was let there be light! Maybe it worked itself in my subconsciousness... but my title was meant to suit that funny cartoon. hope u dont mind the similarity :}

Good luck with NIE... hope that goes well. let's meet up soon okie??

3:41 am  

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