Wednesday, February 02, 2005


More than two weeks has past since my last essay nightmare.. and I haven't found the time to write since then.

It's times like these I really admire those who so faithfully update their blogs; time to write is a luxury I haven't been able to afford recently. Yet, we always do what's most important to us at that time, don't we?

I discovered something today that made me feel totally gutted.

I missed a film screening on monday so I had to get out the DVD for Fallen Angel by Udi Aloni. It's a film about the Israel and Palestine relationship... and at the back of the dvd box, it was printed:

'The closest you can get to an intellectual orgasm'
- Slavoj Zizek, Philosohper, Lacanian & cultural theorist.

You can imagine how horrified I was - if you look in my archives, about one or two years back, I wrote of coining the term 'intellectual orgasm' having never heard anyone use it before. I loved the sound of it. And now, I realised it's been used before.

It's truly a post-modernist nightmare where everything has been said before and the only way to say something is to acknowledge that someone's said what you wanted to say before.

Has anyone ever wondered what will happen after the post-modern era? How would critics and theorists 'label' our period a hundred years later, assuming post-modernism has evolved to something else by then? When everything has been destroyed and deconstructed, what then?


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