Monday, December 27, 2004


I spent the last fifteen minutes staring at my orange lava lamp, which I brought home from England this Christmas...

I haven't used it for some time... and it still amazes me everytime I look at it - the randomness of the movement of the coagulated balls of pseudo-lava so pure, so random but so beautiful in its moving simplicity all at the same time...

In an indirect fashion, the mechanics of my lava lamp sort of reminded me of the recent movement of the earth that's caused the earthquake and tsunamis that's destroyed so much of Asia on Sunday....

Thinking back, three months ago from this day, I was making plans to go to Phuket or the Maldives with X around this time.... vaguely sometime in December. But obviously life works in mysterious ways because that never worked out and now maybe that choice was my salvation in a very twisted way.

If I did go however, my accident might never have happened. And my mum wouldn't have to fork out $4,000 plus in repair costs to fix the car. (Yes, ouch. We found that out today when we sent the car to B Motors - stupid money-sucking bastards) They insisted we had to replace the left door, the left side bumper, cut the left panel of the car in half, weld a new rear left to the left panel... and all that was gonna cost this much. And this does not even include if we were made to pay for the other party's claims as well... I feel irreparably bad about the whole thing... I bought her a bouquet of roses to cheer her up today and she loved it...
But considering I'm gonna fly back this Saturday, my poor mum will have to suffer the loss of a car for two weeks, no daughter to deal with the police, and obviously no one to help release her frustration via reproach.

In a way, I can't wait to return. Besides missing England, this holiday has proved to be far too costly. I just want to escape from general unpleasantness... which is what I'm famous at doing when something happens which I don't want to deal with - I turn and walk away.
For clarification, that's not abandoning, or being evasive, of which I have been previously accused of doing - That's just leaving things to cool before facing it again when I'm more equipped to deal with it.

I received quite a sobering Christmas card from Jo - on the cover, it read:

raised Jesus
from the dead
whom you had killed
by hanging him on a tree.
God exalted him as Prince
and Saviour that he might give
repentance and forgiveness of sins.

The above words were centralised in the shape of a Christmas tree. I read the first five lines while sitting on Q's steps, waiting for him to send me home at 4ish in the morning. It was startingly disturbing to be told I had 'killed someone and hung him on a tree'. 'You' was an obvious reference to humanity in general and on the inside of the card it says these words are taken from Acts. But y'know, despite being a self-professed Christian, I don't agree those are necessarily the best words to startle someone into gratitude or belief.

Watched National Treasure with my family today - nothing much to say bout it except it's a typical Hollywood blockbuster with rare good moments. But as Jose says, even the shittiest film has 5 minutes worth of good stuff in it (was it 5 minutes or 5 seconds?) which we learn something from. If there was any mental stimulation on my part, it came from keeping up with the American historic names... oh, that and trying desperately to recall the name of the actor who played the bad guy Ian... which, after nearly two hours of agonising, I finally remembered as Sean Bean who also played Boromir in LOTR.

Saw the trailer for Jim Carrey's latest film Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events and it looks oh-so-bad, not that I'm being judgemental. But he should stick to stuff like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind which he was brilliant in.

Looks like many things are sinking new lows.


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