Monday, November 21, 2005

I hate cold winter days

I'm a sunshine person. I need the sun.

Am getting increasingly depressed about the fact that it goes dark by 4pm now and it's a bloody freezing zero degrees now as well - you can't walk anywhere without feeling like your face is going to freeze in that position of which you had when you stepped out into the cold.

Am also suffering from a flu, besieged by a chronic cough and generally feeling like hopping on a plane back to sunny home - which of course, only seems better, because I'm away from it.

I don't know... I think I'm losing interest in blogging and the whole internet-as-non-exhaustive-medium-of-expression thing. Maybe it's the lack of time or simply the fact that whenever I want to write something, I have to censor it on various levels before I can write it and then the thought of it just bores me. I might change address or change the look or whatever... by the time I get the time for it, it'll probably be next year. (or next next year, since next year is about in a month and a half's time...)

Issue two was finally completed last week. I'm both happy and unhappy with the result. Looks good, could have been better. I wish we had more time - but I guess that's the whole point of it. We never get any time because the whole industry is based on last-minute-ness anyway. It was hell subbing those ten pages and even then there were errors - can you imagine subbing a 100 pg newspaper? I'm suddenly appreciating the whole production on a different level.

I wish I had more time to edit my editorial, or make changes to the height of the caption and byline boxes on quark, or look for better pictures... the whole experience was intensely exhilarating, exhausting but damn frustrating.

I've got the pdf if anyone wants to take a look (Lynne, I know you've already seen it) for any reason. Issue three is in the works and I feel tired already, thinking about the week.

Okay, I'm gonna shuttup on the whinging - I should get a sun-lamp! Richard has one next door and he religiously gets his dose of sunshine (they are chemically simulated to be exactly like the sun's rays, wth UV rays and Vitamin D and all) and boy, is he in good shape for the winter! Jumping around and being all cow-boy happy. They cost about 140 quid I heard - which is so pricey. But if that's going to be the only damn bit of sun I can get, I might have to cave, however painful it might be.

Rght, to bed!


Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

You know, I think it's the censorship thing. You can't blog about what you want to, and you have to keep thinking about what is appropriate, what can't you say, or rather, what you shouldn't say. It gets tiring - I propose you get a new non-anonymous blog for other ppl to read, and you can keep another where you spill all your deep dark secrets. ;) That's how I do it anyway!

And yes, it's farking cold right now, so cold that I can't even type properly, ugh! And you can call my house phone now, it's in my room! No need to disturb vincent anymore!

Talk soon! xxxxx

1:55 pm  

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