Sunday, September 11, 2005

Plugged, or Unplugged?

I was on the bus the other day with my bro and I lamented about my aggravated state of mind that morning.. possibly due to getting off the wrong side of the bed.

He proceeded wryly to tell me my bed was against the wall so there's only one side to get up from anyway.

But that wasn't the point, it's all figurative speech, I rolled my eyes.
Then I said I feel like I'm occupying some kind of alternate reality..

And he asked, so are you plugged or unplugged?

I raised my eyebrows.. what are you talking about

Y'know.. the Matrix... which reality are you occupying?


Few seconds silence.

Unplugged, definitely unplugged.

It's just been one of those times in the course of your life when reality just seems too real and questions ceaselessly revolve in your cluttered mind, a vicious cycle perpetuating itself in a storm of doubts...

you wake up somedays and it seems like you've emerged from a slumber into a grey and decaying world, where everything is at once both alien and familiar and the chilling feeling of experiencing the uncanny disorientates you further..

What happened to all that innocence, unsullied trust and faith of youth? Its too easy to lose your way sometimes.

Even as I'm typing this.. I can feel two possible ways this post can go: an exposition of all my serious thoughts, setting the world to rights and so forth... and abandoning all of the above to a short, cryptic, summary of general things... probably eventually descending into frivolousness due to obvious tiredness and a tummyache.

So guess which way it's going?

It's too easy to be worried. Think: you could be without arms and legs on the beaches of Patong.
Or two, you could be deaf and blind like Theresa Chan.

If you haven't watched Be With Me - it's worth the while.
It has all the pretentiousness of an art-house attempt but that is inevitable. If I made one, someone out there is bound to say the same. Although there are the great masterpieces where there is a general consensus about its excellence. It's all a very fine balance. philosophy and pretentiousness. but it's stunning ending has all of redeemed all its flaws. it's still a great piece of very graphic images - cinematography was excellent and I can't kept admiring the consistency of colour throughout - always very hard to achieve with films of lower budgets.

There could be so many things worse than what you're faced with... but why should we settle for less when we can achieve more? Is achieving more going to make us happy in the end?

If you comapre yourself with others, you may become bitter or vain, for there will always be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Listen to the dull and ignorant, for even they too have their stories. Do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

I'm restless... I can't wait to get back. I should finish reading Alias Grace. I desperately need some intellectual stimulation. Self-absorption is evil.

Maybe after all, it's better to be plugged.


Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

i know there're many things in life to be happy about, and yet knowing all that just doesn't help you to be happy, if you know what i mean. it's such an effort sometimes, and i wonder how happy can one truly be if you'd 'psychoed' yourself into that mental state. aiiii, maybe it's the late night getting to me, hoo!

yes, self-absorption isn't too good for the soul. and every so often, i wish i'm plugged.

8:41 pm  

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