Sunday, September 04, 2005

Apple Convert

I finally did it! Yay yay yay!

Here before you is a virgin Mac user no more.. I have consumated with my recently purchased, spanking-new, pristine pure and ever so beautifoool Powerbook.

Even as I'm writing this entry... I am unused but extremely happy at the bright array of icons lined up in a perfect, attractive order right before my eyes at the bottom of my screen. My first post on my new pbook!

It's been so long... after thinking about it, talking about it... all of dreamed of it. and having to encounter numbers discouragement and anxieties... I've finally conquered it all to lay my hands on one I can call my own.

So, now what?

I excitedly registered my products (oh yes, I forgot to mention? I got a 6GB green ipod mini too... to compliment my purchase) and installed the necessary software and suddenly I'm at a loss of what I should do next. It's like a sea of opportunities have flooded onto my screen and I don't know where to take the plunge in first.

For pussy computer users, you probably won't even understand a fraction of my delight - but this means I can finally upload all the footage I have on my mini-DVs and actually edit my shots to make my first proper film. After all, they don't say a thousand miles begins with a single step for nothing. And yes, I know what future problems there might be in terms of compatibility etc etc but I'm ready for it!

My getting here was a very arduous journey, though. I hate crowds and the very word doesn't even begin to describe the throngs of people I had to beat. I don't even want to mention the horrid traffic jam into the area... made worse by the rain. And Thank God for season parking... all the barriers were closed off to all cars. Mum even had to wind the window down and holler Seasong Parking! to the guy guarding the safety barrier (of which all have printed on them: This is not a safety barrier. (As duckshoe pointed out, if it's not a safety barrier, then what is it?) before he finally moved the barrier in the torrential rain to let us in. She wasn't even sure if our season parking was still valid. We made our way in, with no way to reverse out, crossing our fingers and hoping it'll get us in....

And it did!

We smugly drove past all the cars.

But it wasn't over. The crowd was just draining... and to cut the story short, I hurriedly made my way there, realised it was a much better deal than it was 4 days ago. And purchased it immediately. And hurriedly made my way out.

I do realise now, however, that they shortchanged me of some RAM and I'm gonna have to call them up again. *ugh* I hate doing stuff like that.

Have been working like a pro the whole night, moving from one computer on my left table to the new precious on my right table with my swivel chair. trying to back-up stuff, and transfer some files. The process is excruciating. And it's definitely not gonna take me only one night... I'm resenting the fact I have to work tomorrow. I wanna stay in and play with my new toy!

Then again, there's only so long you can look at one screen (although D will probably defy all such records) and right now, I just want to get some music onto my ipod so I can go to bed and have some music to listen to (at last!) while on the cursed bus to work.

I feel like I've just started a new journey! Now let's just hope iMovie isn't going to be a bitch to use...

(I've also now realised that my site's layout is not as it should look on Safari. Sigh.)


Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

ehhhhhh they shortchanged you of some RAM? basket, they think they can give one extra iMac shirt in exchange for some RAM.. pffftt! congrats on your conversion!

6:22 am  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

Babe! U got the green ipod? Heard it was pretty cheap!! Damn you... I have a feeling I spent more on my 4G than your 6.... %$#%^$#&^%$...

9:06 am  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

thanks jen.. i'm hoping to see some results soon! (but i think learning the programmes is gonna take some time)

and lynne, i rang them up. they didn't shortchange me of RAM. they MISLED me - the guy said it's originally 768 RAM, if i want 1.256GB must pay another 200 dollars. @#$@#$@# but i still got a good price in the end.

jing, I paid only $260 for my 6GB! hehe. but only coz i bought a powerbook lar. i'm so enjoying it now!! :)

10:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

i thought it was 1 GIG, no? i KNEW there had to be a catch somewhere!!
anyway drinks tmr eh? im so sleepy, i can't believe i've to go to MOE tmr, i think it's taxi time! :P
tty tmr! xxx

10:18 pm  

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