Wednesday, September 21, 2005

short and sweet

1. I am a virgin manipedi-goer no more! I went and got a beautiful french manicure today... plus a good pedicure. It was all very interesting and pretty... I was captivated by the detailed work of the manicurist and the pains they go through to get nails looking good. It had all been previously a very stupid frivolous affair to me, I never thought much about girls and nails.. (since I play the piano, I have to have short, unpolished nails) but I have to say in all fairness, it does require quite a lot of skill.

My manicurist said I have really nice-looking nails and I was happy - cheap thrill I know. But it's not the first time I've heard it and it's always nice to hear a compliment! haha..

I am getting slightly annoyed with the fact that you have to be careful with things you do - I didn't realize how hard I exerted while doing some stuff till today. Not entirely sure if I'll do the manipedi again in the near future.. but at least now I'm in the know!

2. A particular newspaper have recently reported to be in the black finally after 4 years. very conveniently neglecting to mention that the primary reason why that happened was because its competition was eliminated and with no one to compete with horizontally, the only way they should go is up. Feeling extremely bitter about being left with one less choice to come back to simply because money is the most important and the bottom-line for any business - with nasty shareholders that don't care for anything except that. I hate monopolies. And injustice. And greedy people.

3. I bought Estee Lauder lip gloss today - a very extravagant expense for something I don't usually give two hoots about.
(and now I realize I should have just bought it at duty free this saturday!!!! urgh)

4. Someone sent me a text that made me smile today from right inside.

5. T and I were sharing a cab home today and we were talking about many things... also about boyfriends... and uhm... heights. After she left, the taxi driver who wore whitish-silver funky glasses (the only part of him I could see through discreet glances at the rearview mirror) started speaking to me and he said

you know ah... this is very true. But short guys ar, are handsome yknow... and tall guys are ugly. It's true! God is fair you know.. that's why it works like that.

If tall guys are handsome then short guys how? how are they gonna marry?

I was very amused... so I said there are tall handsome guys around what...

yahh.. that's true. but if you take a short good looking guy, and a tall good looking guy and compare, I assure you ah.. the short one would definitely look better... that's how they make up for it!

So uncle... you're short or tall?


Short, lah...

Orh.... I knew it!

More laughter.

After a conversation about men and race and their infidelity, I finally reach my destination.

I take a good hard look at the taxi driver from where I was and okay... he really didn't look too bad.

I do a mental run-through of various men in my mind and realise there was actually some truth in his statement (though obviously, there's always the exceptions to the rule)

As I got out I thought to myself, when I'm old and... look like an 'auntie' (touchwood)... Am I still going to call the taxi driver 'uncle'?

In my mind, taxi drivers, not matter how old they are, will always be 'uncles' to me who tell funny stories.


Blogger tania saw the light...

babe. i think short men have more character than taller men cos well... they just have to! i mean, they have to have a plan B right?!!

time to throw away my heels and exchange them for slippers... boohoohoo

5:20 pm  

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