Monday, January 16, 2006

I am not a computer geek

First day of spring term and I am thankful that my brain has been kicked back into gear such that I can almost hear brain juice sloshing around in my somewhat-unmotivated mind of late.

I could not get up this morning to save my life - set the alarm for eight but only managed to crawl out of bed slightly disoriented at half 9, ran into campus and made it for 10 only to find out there's some confusion with the timetable and half the class didn't turn up so it was adjourned.

When it finally got rolling, however, I was greedily digesting every minute of it. Academic debates, intelligent brain-storming, talking about what was going on etc... I really miss that intellectual impetus you get in a student environment. What makes it much better is when you're doing an MA, it's a lot more engaging since it's not just pisshead undergrads doing something to pass time! (not implying that I was before in my first degree... haha)

We're doing features this term, which I was slightly wary about considering my recent experience. I prefer the strict deadlines of news - flexible featurish stories give me such a headache since I do everything last minute anyway (including the project I finished in an hour last night for this morning! you would think 4 weeks is enough) But anyhow, I'm unexpectedly excited about this term. Everyone had to come up with a few story ideas and I came up with one today which had a sort of foreign perspective which A liked and said was very fertile ground from which to develop into a proper story. Just have to make sure I know exactly what audience and paper I'm pitching it to... I am actually looking forward to the creativity involved in coming up with our own headline, standfirst and all the research/interviews/writing we are gonna do. whoopee.

The best part.... we're also doing a web project and I'm finally going to learn how to create a website properly! With professional training! With proper software and detailed tutorials!
Sigh. Forgive the fact that I sound like a comp geek (I assure you I'm really not) but I've been dying to get some proper training for ages since my current web knowledge was picked up meself and from other more web-savvy counterparts. I am so looking forward to knowing more than basic html.

So you know with my new-found skills, I'm going to revamp every single website of mine just for practice; since we need to create a professional webpage that is going up on our college's server anyway. I can hardly contain my excitement.

Besides that, I have got grand plans for this year. Speaking to my coursemates made me realize how much of a lazy bum I'd been this whole hols, more than half of them were doing work experiencec and expanding their network etc... all I've been doing is hiding in the midlands turning over in my mind, matters of life that should not be thought about too much anyway.

Loads to do, much to think. Hopefully in a couple of week's time I'll get a decent site up as well, without having to pay or bribe anyone into helping me!


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