Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I didn't take many pictures this Christmas. In fact, probably took the least I've ever did in years, and sort of regretting it now that I don't have any photographic evidence of my lovely albeit introspective new year at R's house. But that's me vegging out on the sofa, post-Christmas laziness. I never knew blogger hosted pictures which allowed users to post pictures rather easily. And all this time I was too lazy to photoshop my images and post them when I could have used this (although you can't really play with how your pic is presented). Shows how oblivious you can be to the things surrounding you despite the fact you might use it everyday.

I'm thinking of re-vamping the site again but it's just so much work!

Have so much proper work to do too but I seem plagued by a certain inertia which I'm sure isn't just pure procrastination. L and I were chilling out last night when we decided to read our past archives to see what was our last year's resolutions and whether we kept to it: very amusingly, mine last year read: no more last minute essays.

Haha.. it certainly didn't work out that way. This year, I didn't even bother to make any resolutions.

I'm feeling in a rather general, lazy mood right now and I really need to get myself going - I'm quite sure, however, that I'm like that only because I know once I start term again, there's just no stopping and frankly, I'm feeling rather tired.

Am currently reading Memoirs of a Geisha now, not because the film is going to be released, but because I happened to be at FOPP and they were selling the book at a really low price of only 3 quid, and I read a TIME article about the book before which made me very interested.

Against my expectations, I'm finding myself sucked into the book, and its world, so much so that I always half expect to see white face-painted ladies to be appearing at every corner I turn, and I can even smell the sea sometimes when I read about it, then think about how much time I myself used to spend under the blazing sun on the lasers sailing about in the not-so-pure waters back home.

Of all the things I need to be reading.... (I've got an important media law exam in three weeks which I have to keep reminding myself off, because it really does not impress upon me at all)... I seem to be reading the thing that is least important or helpful at this point of time.
It reminds me of how I used to read stuff like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter just a week before my exams and then screwed myself over because I couldn't put the book down and didn't feel like reading anything serious either.

I can see it happening again, but I can't do anything to help it.



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