Saturday, August 13, 2005


Before I went clubbing last night, I had to change several tops before settling on a tube because I was getting slightly too fat for all the rest of them. For some reason, there was a lot of squeezing in and out of clothes which I haven't experienced much before ... it was all rather depressing.

I find my lack of stamina for such nights out very unbecoming of me. Maybe I'm growing old, or just plain bored. Or just tired, from work. Which can be very frustrating due to the dynamics of hierachies. sigh. but it's all over and done with. Time to move on to a feature which thankfully is something much more interesting...

I have recently got news that I am to find work over the Christmas and Easter break which is part of my course.. it seems like I can't escape work for long. Time here now seems to be at a standstill - not that it's going slowly - but more like it feels like a passing, a transition to something else that I'm waiting to happen. It's been such a reality check meantime, thinking about property, loan rates, life and the usual shit... If I could be a student forever, I would. On the bright side, I might be working at The Guardian quite soon. Lucky me! It is probably my favourite paper - language and style-wise. Let's hope things work out...

I feel like I have to say something profound, since I was having all those thoughts awhile ago. But now I'm too tired to say it. Plus every post doesn't have to be profound right!

I want to post some of my graduation photos but I can't. And I also realised that on Mozilla browsers, my blog looks so out of proportion. So please don't use Mozilla until I've sorted it out!


Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

Jess babe!!! i miss you loads and loads!!! I'm so glad we met up for dinner & coffee the other day & i think it was great that it was just 2 of us hanging out. anyway, hope you have fun with james and send him my warmest regards & big hugs! will call you soon okay! love you babe!!! *muaks!*

10:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

Hello dear!! thanks for ringing today.. it was such a nice surprise. we're really missing you here, especially when we're clubbing! hehe. anyway, hope things are well on that side - update me on any developments! *wink, you club nut!* love you LOADSssss.... xxx

4:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

BTW, forgot to mention that your squeezing into tops doesn't necessarily mean you're any fatter. if feet expand because of the bloody heat in SG, it wldn't surprise me if that's what's happening to u! I suffered endless blisters from my shoes because of the wretched heat! so no worries babe, you ain't fat! =)

8:38 am  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

hello ppl!!! yes abby, she is MAD she looks exactly the same so don't believe her at all! we're going to miss you on sat :(

11:34 am  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...


does anyone actually believe you when you claim you're fat? even I'M fatter than you!


and stop being depressed, post some happy stuff already! or at least some pictures of you denting car rooftops, fatty...

2:27 am  
Anonymous Anonymous saw the light...

babes, i really wouldn't be lying okay! feel like such a fatty beside those terribly skinny ah lians. haha... vic! dont worry.. my posts will be happier from now on! couldn't help it if my work was giving loads of angst.. thanks for your advice on the transcript, btw. I got mine couple of days ago... and my grad photos too! I look weird in those shots - now my mum is contemplating doing a proper studio one with the whole family.. did yours turn out okay?
and what are u busy with!

5:05 am  

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